Burak AYDIN, PhD, Research and Evaluation Methods Materials, Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme
My purpose is to collect and share materials mainly related to Research and Evaluation Methods. Here is how I use this website;
a) Apps/Talks: This tab hosts my presentations/talks, it also includes some Shiny apps.
b) Blog: Updated once in a while, you can subscribe below to get notifications.
c) Courses : This section has my course materials for my students, it's password protected.
d) SARP : Social Scientist R Platform, a naive effort to introduce R.
e) aRma: Alt yapısı R'a dayalı meta-analiz yazılımı.
f) Facts : Includes education-systems-related-facts that surprise me.
g) About me : Very short bio, CV and my current research.
h) Research : Codes and data we used in our publications.
R programlama
The framework for this website was ready in less than 4 hours. I pay $3/month to maintain it.
Eğitim Fakültesi,Yenipazar Mahallesi, 53200 Çayeli/Rize/Turkey