Burak AYDIN, Ph.D.
R programlama
Background: I taught maths for 7 months (2007, Sarıkamış, Türkiye), spent the following 7 months at CESL (2008, Tucson, AZ). It took me 6 years to get my MA, Ph.D., and Ph.D. minor (2014, Gainesville, FL).
Current work: Researcher at the Leuphana University. Associate Prof. at the Ege University, Faculty of Education, Measurement and Evaluation Department.
contact: burak.r.aydin@gmail.com
Multilevel models
Both theoretical and application
Latent Growth Models
Both theoretical and application
R, Mplus, SPSS, Latex
These are the software/programs I've been utilizing since 2008 (I used Lisrel, AMOS, HLM, SAS(for 3 years), but I am happy to leave them behind)
2008 - 2014 University of Florida
Ph.D., Research and Evaluation Methods
Ph.D. Minor, Statistics
MA, Research and Evaluation Methods
2002 - 2006 Kocaeli Üniversitesi
B.A., Math Education
1998 - 2002 Göl Anadolu Öğretmen Lisesi
1995 - 1998 İnebolu Ortaokulu